Day by Day

During March and April 2020 the world, as we used to experience it, stopped. We have been asked to stay at home and, strictly speaking, not to do everything we did before. For our good and that of others. An unexpected, unusual, never experienced situation has created a breach in our lives. A confrontation with an internal world we are not used to, which we often took for granted.
Suddenly we are all stopped. Waiting for someone to tell us what to do. On a creative and personal level it is a shock, but you adapt yourself, as the human being can do well.
I, as an artist, am used to shoot people, comparing and directing through verbal contact as I move to seek the light and the angle that creates magic.
Suddenly I find myself no longer able to do it and therefore I begin to look inside my house and myself, to seek some peace while a multitude of anxiety rages outside.
This is the visual diary of a succession of days inside, while my creative mind is bubbling and would like to go out to look for inspiration, instead it confronts the small details of everyday life, looking for beauty that is sometimes closer than believe it.

Lucilla Bellini 2020
Analog photography 2018